Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's really amazing how bad my memory is. While i was walking home today, i thought over soo many things, and came home with this immense urge to blog. So here i am now, sitting comfortably in my arm chair, a cup of hot tea on the table, Jason Mraz serenading in the background, Ryan staring expectantly at me... I just can't seem to remember why i'm here in the first place. And i plonked down right after i got home. Count the minutes? 

So many things to say, so little memory space. Tsk tsk tsk.

Well anyway, it's a pretty okay day today, albeit a few embarrassing moments but yeah well what's new haha. Then again, my it'stimetoexpandthebase movement seems to be working pretty well... At least for today. Which is great! :):):) Keep it up weizheng! Only down side is some little thing during lunch which is one HUGE embarrassing moment but let's not elaborate shall we SIGH, and oh shit i just went to change a song on i tunes and i totally forgot what's the second reason. *throws hands up in exasperation* Nevermind i will add it in if i can remember. 

The bus ride home was rather uncomfortable though. I don't know why, (OH JUST RMB. HAHA didnt see TENNIS* today. boohoohoo.) but sometimes reflecting can be sucha painful process. Maybe cos i tend to dwell upon problems or things i felt i shouldnt have done etc, but hey isn't that what reflections are for? Haha. But it seems like to me, reflecting=emo-ing. And someone just asked me what i think is the most romantic thing a couple can do but i couldn't come up with one but HA i got it now! jezst! Okay it's not exactly romantic per se, but it's really sweet when a couple can sit and enjoy each other's company in silence. Maybe say for example, if the girl is upset with something, the guy can just sit quietly with her and respect her need to think through some stuff but still providing support. Like, on standby mode hahaha. And vice versa lah. Hmmm seems like im quite a boring person hurhurhur. Nevermind. I shall think of more romantic stuff to do with TENNIS next time ;)

*shuttle=badminton=2xy(rackets)=tennis! get it? (:

Why bother to put yourself through all these unnecessary trouble? There's this lady living near my estate who always walks around talking to herself and like it was fated or something, she just appeared while i was thinking this through. HAHA and it suddenly dawned upon me that she's probably the happiest person around. Because she has simply severed the strings connecting us and society. It is society-its norms, its beliefs, perpetrated by its followers that is making ironically, these followers itself miserable; tying double the knots one can untie. Let it go, you say, but how easy is it to be indifferent to everything? In fact, i did precisely that, or at least attempted to, and find myself yearning to join back from the fringes. To have a say, to make a stand, to form relationships instead of merely observing (or stoning) from the sidelines. Cheering or jeering from the grandstand. Because, for all its tranquility, it is nonetheless lonely to be a solitary bystander. It's as if i've almost forgotten how to connect with people. 

(And can the nuspe people STOP sending emails? Arrrgh. It's just an audition for goodness sake. Got so many questions to ask meh.)

Broken train of thought. Shall eat ondeh ondeh, bathe, play piano and get back. 

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