Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I miss phone calls on stormy nights. I wish they didn't take place, yet I miss them. Just the calls themselves, not who, not where, not why. Right enough I'm starting to disgust myself. Anyway, school's starting next week. Yippee yay don't I sound extremely excited. I'm doing an introduction to film art this semester, and I hope everything will make sense then, and after. Literally. The prof sounds like McGonagall which is very worrying, because those kind of people can only be a dear in very personal situations. I have got as much chance and interest to be in a personal situation with the prof as much as a lightning scar on my forehead. I just hope to finish this semester with better grades and a direction. And already, that is a handful. Together with my theory exam, and THEIR theory exams, I... must cope. Whatever stress, and I-just-can't-do-it bullshit, I must cope. Cos 3.3 is not the way to go. I am not satisfied, and no matter how much I whine about not being intellectual enough, I am still not intellectual enough. So face it. Make do with it. Study more. Make up for the fewer, slow brain cells. And those who keep wandering around the other lobes sightseeing. That will provide a map. I mean it. So those who are reading this (which i have absolutely no idea who), please swear at me next time you see me online on msn or facebook especially. I permit vulgarities if they aren't personal thanks. 

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