Tuesday, March 24, 2009

James is back again. After he appeared in my dream last night, he appeared right in front of my eyes just a few minutes ago. I reckon it's James II though, because he looks slightly smaller. But he hid behind the cupboard, just like what James I used to do. In the exact same position, unmoving. Well, James was quite static. James II sort of peeped out from his station a few times, which makes him a pretty curious one. So, I deduced he should be somewhere in his youth, unlike James who is probably really old. 

Anyway, duncha think James II behaved like a human being? He sort of like, looked over from where he was, and snuck back inside again. Like, those young hooligans checking out for the police while their big bosses grunt over Marijuana deals. I'm scared. 

Crap, what if cockroaches really posses some human strands of thought. I mean, there has got to be a reason why they are the longest living creature in the world. Dolphins and Chimps are found out to be smart, but hey, the cockroaches had a longer legacy. Perhaps cockroaches are like mini humans. They have their own tiny towns beneath the soil of human civilisation. And then there's those below the cement, which are the urbanised cities. They have a photographic memory, and can remember whatever went on during human's school lessons. Spies are despatched to do this, of course, and they go back and write books about what they understood from the lectures. Okay, maybe not books. Some... Wireless software thing that they can transmit through their feelers. And so, maybe roaches can do trigonometry and recite Yeats. Paint like Picasso, compose like Beethoven. Invent bombs that blow up the underworld. Have wars where many young roaches were valiant warriors survived only by streaks of red and a sacred hairy leg. And where many fell, out grew the greenest of mosses. 

Different cultures can be distinguished by how they walk. Some fly too, some swim, some sneak behind bathroom cupboards, some drift into human's dreams, some scare the living daylights out of latania leow, some are little houdinis, some croon like jason mraz, some are muggers, some are partygoers, some went to smu and some to nus, some committed suicide because the stress is just too much, some got eaten up by lizards, some left home, some migrated to other homes, some are from single families, some isn't satisfied with the length of their feelers, some are outcasted, some do cosplay, some prefer the library, some are autistic, some needs a lot of love, some are mommy boys, some watch xiao niang re, some likes geography, some just met a cute guy, some like cheese... and it goes on and on and on

I'll be utterly freaked out if what I said was true. A roach version of Jason Mraz. MAN that's just warped. But on the other hand, they'd provide a new culture to discover. HAHA the roach culture. Crap, then we'd have to learn their language don't we. Squiggling the feelers. 1 inch to the right means yes, 2 inches means of course, 3 inches means hell yeah. Okay, THAT'S really creepy. Remember that movie, Cockroach man or something? Damn sick movie. About how a guy morphed into a cockroach one day, and ends up falling in love with a teacher and raped her and she got pregnant. The final scene was where he appeared at the door, dressed in a tux if im not wrong (yes wth) with a cockroach face holding a bouquet of flowers. wtf. 

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