Monday, August 17, 2009

And she wakes up, and it's all clear. Despite knowing that such periods of calm are when her emotions are anesthetized but... what the hell. She decided to keep her feelings in check; cry when she feels miserable and stop psycho-ing herself and in the end, push herself off a cliff into a bog of useless angst. 

Anyhow, she's grateful she had people to talk things over till late. Thank you (: For one, it deepened her understanding about that particular person; the sense of helplessness. She feels guilty sometimes about not being able to help resolve the problems that he faces, and feels afraid that she might not be able to do so after hearing more of them, but she will try her utmost best to reference literary texts and give her opinion to how some authors handled certain angsty issues. 

Speaking of angst, I was looking up on existentialism yesterday and found something quite interesting. From wiki: 


Angst, sometimes called dread, anxiety or even anguish is a term that is common to many existentialist thinkers. It is generally held to be the experience of our freedom and responsibility. The archetypal example is the experience one has when standing on a cliff where one not only fears falling off it, but also dreads the possibility of throwing oneself off. In this experience that "nothing is holding me back", one senses the lack of anything that predetermines you to either throw yourself off or to stand still, and one experiences one's own freedom.

It can also be seen in relation to the previous point how angst is before nothing, and this is what sets it apart from fear which has an object. While in the case of fear, one can take definitive measures to remove the object of fear, in the case of angst, no such "constructive" measures are possible. The use of the word "nothing" in this context relates both to the inherent insecurity about the consequences of one's actions, and to the fact that, in experiencing one's freedom as angst, one also realizes that one will be fully responsible for these consequences; there is no thing in you (your genes, for instance) that acts in your stead, and that you can "blame" if something goes wrong.


Language cui, all in all, today will be a better day (: 

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