Saturday, July 12, 2008


just some updates from nowhere. hmmm so i had my first piano lesson as a teacher today and i realised that being a piano teacher is one of the best decisions i've made for a long time. i dont know if it's just the first lesson introduction thing, but i feel that it's SO RELAXING. unlike normal academic tuition, which is SO friggin stressful, especially when there's MATH involved. like that p6 class that i took for relief teaching where im so fortunate to teach a topic that i have never understood since the p6 days- volume of cubes and cuboids. the one where you have to stuff little cubes into a big cuboid until it's full. though why would anyone want to do that? why cant they just leave the cubes alone? or at least, build lego or something, instead of hiding them away.

precamp on monday and tuesday! oh yay im back with the sushi people again haha. though i wouldnt really mind like, joining the people from this og that i was initially posted to, but i was afraid they wouldnt accept me :( i mean, after all they have their own memories and stuff from the arts camp already so i'll be like this spare tyre. but it's okay! im back with the old crowd again YAY! :)

and most probably i'll be getting a mac! great now i cant decide if i should get an ipod touch or a nano. too bad touch only has BLACK which is like so yawns. but it has GPS which i think is one of the greatest inventions apart from the piano and the guitar and the violin and the water heater.

i have a dream. that is to open a little cafe where im the boss who has the luxury to act like a customer. and everyday, i can hold little coffee and tea parties for my friends (human, not stuffed) or if im feeling just emo, just sit at a random corner and stare of the window or people-watch. or if im inspired, i can write my musings for a living, something like what huang jun lang does, and publish them.and these musings arent supposed to inspire...they're just there to create new trains of thought for people.i think that should be the point of such literature; such that readers need not read more than once because they are encouraged to ponder over their own ideas and responses, not mine. or my friends can doodle on the walls... now that's life :)

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