Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Yet another random post

Okay i'm blogging now to remind myself that i still have a blog. Too many things are going on right now, and if i don't start refreshing my memory on what the hell my blog username and password is... yeah we all know what will happen to this one.

Anyway i'm as busy as a whitbee now! With my upcoming piano exam, that'd be on the 8th of august (OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG) and extra piano tuition AND piano lessons AND the PA job, slacking is indeed a luxury i cannot afford :( Especially with the uni registration and choosing modules, can life get any more hectic than this?? *covers ears* NO! The answer is NO :)

And i miss my FF mates! FF is a silly name, but i don't know what else to call them. One i still meet regularly, one lives all the way at the other end of the country, and one seems busy with her og mates. I MISS YOU ALL I MISS YOU ALL I MISS YOU ALL I MISS YOU ALL I MISS YOU ALL I MISS YOU ALL I MISS YOU ALL. i know we are talking now, and we are meeting up on thursday, but but but. :( Nothing feels like home.

Sigh, today is an emo day. Maybe it's cos of the rain. But rainy days are nice. Rainy days, a warm cup of coffee or tea, and some soothing jazzy music makes me want to fall in love. There's just something about the rain that makes me feel reflective... hm though both thoughts have not much of a link... but anyway, i've decided that it's not really much of the surroundings that defines an existence, but one's perceptions and psych that truly determines one's environment. And that's the wonderful thing about our imagination. I used to grumble a lot that sg has too little cute sidewalk cafes, and why pop music is like, popular, and coke the IN drink but not coffee or tea...but then i grew older. It's not much about fitting in anymore, though to me that's still a problem, and most importantly, to perceive things my way instead of conforming to the majority. After all, it's all in the mind. Maybe it's because it's only now when i really understand that piece of logic, and that's when the reflections really start. And even though sg architecture can REALLY move beyond tissue boxes, it's quite unlikely that we will have quaint little shophouses with sidewalk cafes any time in the future unless HANSON becomes the president and we take over the rest of SEA... they can still exist.Inside :)

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