Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Maybe i ought to turn in now, but there's just so much work left undone and knots untied that i can't bring myself to let go of everything even for tonight. Sigh yet another day when i have no time to practise. True, time can be acquired; i'm just lazy and ill-disciplined. But i can't sustain without lagging around for at least a few hours. I'm tired, i want to run away and chuck all these responsibilites aside but... this is just the beginning. I want to talk to someone, but i don't want to be seen as a whiny ninny fellow though indeed i am one. But... it's just not very nice lah. I really wish sg can have a slower pace of life, i mean look at the peak hour crowd! Every single commuter looks damn exhausted, in the evenings after work, but even in the mornings before work! Clearly we are just cogs in a wheel, when we are supposed to be a free society! Talk about blatant irony. And speaking of the peak hour crowd in trains, i think i got sexually harassed today! *gags* So the train was like super packed, and everyone was within mili-inches of each other, but there was this forty something man who was standing.. hmm just a bit too close. He was basically pressing his whole body against my back and breathing down my neck. OH GOD even writing about it invites goosebumps. Yuck yuck yuck i can't believe this kinda thing happened to me the SECOND TIME. LIKE C'MON, pick someone better looking okay???

Emo.Emo.Emo. Thank god for music. For wonderful composers. For Chopin. No man made me feel like he DOES and ever WILL HA. Sigh if only he was tall dark and handsome. Like a Mr Darcy, gosh he would be the most perfect man that ever existed. Childish fascinations are a form of therapy :)

Forms and stress are driving me nuts.

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