Monday, August 11, 2008

Day one!

And so, it's the first day of school :) 
Strangely enough, i don't feel any butterflies that usually flutter frantically before other "first days of school". Today i just felt... butterflies coated with butter. Bit languid, bit lethargic, bit cannot be bothered man. Where's the excitement?? Sigh probably cos i'm still in the holiday mood. Like, woohoo! It's after A levels man and i ought to enjoy myself to the max! Clearly i didnt... sob sob. 

Lit was just SO disappointing. I mean, i admit that nj wasn't like a school for the arts or anything, but the lit lecturers i had were fantastic. Okay that only applies to whitby, but dot chua, champagne and dio at least kept me awake at their introductory lecture! And i can actually comprehend what they were rambling about, unlike today when i just totally.. whatever man.  But then again i probably should not judge a book by it's cover, MAYBE the skies will clear up after a few more lectures! And psych? Rah i'd probably major in lit. Nuff said.

Hm, instead of the lessons being thought provoking, i think my lunch convo was more of a brain eater. Haha THANKS BEN for answering many of my doubts bout religion. I mean, really, this is the first time i actually told someone with faith (is that the correct way of putting it?) about my opinions cos i was worried that it'd spark a really sensitive and nasty debate that i so totally want to avoid *nods* Yup. And it's really great talking to you haha HTHT! Hope that your problem really clears up soon! And i realise that we kept thanking each other lol. It's okay lah, friend friend already!
Thought about many issues.
Thinking about more issues.
Shall think about more issues. 
Hurray, this is the first step to self discovery :) 
Bit late, but i'll get there :)  

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