Friday, February 20, 2009

Back back back.

I feel like a very busy Solero Shot. Amidst the fog because after the devastating german test which Frau Niemmann stood behind me like half the time (I bet she found my answers entertaining. in a very bad way of course), I kind of left the world for a little while. But nevermind, ponning js lecture was a relief; I doubt I'd be able to absorb anything anyway. 

I found 2 new loves today ! <3

Sara Bareilles, courtesy of Mrs Airen (presents certificate of appreciation) with her demonstration of good taste in music.
Anoop Desai whom I probably would not have a chance to hear him sing again. ): Cos he didn't make it to the top 12 of AI. WHY WHY WHY. Why MICHAEL?? I think he is too muscly for my taste. And his voice sounds like spinach hmmm. I like Anoop's rendition of "Angel of Mine". It actually made me doubt the cornicity of the song. Rats.

I named a new resident of the second bathroom James. He's big, black, and has hairy legs. He's been around since the night before; hence I reckon he's serious about staying. Zhi ji zhi bi bai zhan bai sheng. 

AND I finally watched the finale of grey's season 3! And it made me cry. It's too abrupt. And too understandable. That's why I was prob so affected by it. ): ): ): I wonder if that stuff really happens in real life. People getting dumped at the altar. And the boyfriend fleeing like lightning afterwards. Bit too fast eh. Season 4 looks promising. After watching ep 1A. I like Christina's plaids (: Cute. 

If only I can be just as productive as in my studies. 

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