Wednesday, April 29, 2009

And fighting all the demons will take time.

I'd always believe the clouds are bluer on The Other Side. Only to get the other side and realise that clouds are never blue; it's the sky dammit. The artist is probably not as perfect as the art. 

The devils they burn inside of us.

I wish I could just combust spontaneously. And when I return, everything will be different from the way it was. Or, at least, transport to some other time and space to at least make myself regret the decision to leave. Because I am an ungrateful person, that's why. Someone who counts her blessings, but pretend she didn't most of the time. Someone who couldn't even resist eating bacon for 5 days. Such a weak-willed girl doesn't really deserve all that she has now. 

Are we ever going to learn to fly?

But we will never stop dreaming. I thought the stupid light will come at the end of the stupid tunnel, but apparently it never did 

You know you're stunning, you're absolutely stunning (:

On a side note (criss cross fries anyone?), I'm thankful that this entry was disrupted many many times by randomites and randomchus. I'm thankful that they exist in my life, though they sound pretty much like a job for pest exterminators... 
But well, if they do, I'll probably join them too (: 

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