Friday, April 17, 2009

Pongyi's right, blog entries increase as the exam fever sets in. They share a directly proportional relationship. And this is so true that I'm not deliberately refusing to blog just to prove that she's wrong. Hahahhahhha. KIDDING LAH :D 

It's pretty late now and I should sleep. In fact, my friend who's in the army now is waking up a few minutes later to check on his recruits. Life's so tough now, even army officers have to be part time nannys to baby their little kakis. Anyway, I'm so sick with the stupid economic policies between Japan and Singapore. LIKE I CARE. But unfortunately, that is like, the point of the education system isn't it? To gorge us with useless facts. Especially in my faculty; an impression shared by people with mundane minds. But as I have always believed, we hold the key to changing the world ;) 

Though I have to repeat that incessantly to myself, like a mantra, to force myself to study. "Times are hard when things you've got no meaning"- OASIS! And it is struggling up the vertical academic system that is the void. I still clutch my belief that what we're learning at FASS IS The Knowledge. So, don't fret too much over results, it's the little facts along the way that really matter. And no, I don't mean that knowing how many freakin Soviet troops stationed at Poland, Cuba, or whatever land, but the significance behind learning such random facts! We're well equipped to join WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE!!!

Now, isn't the point of graduating about making money ? (: 

Random revelation of the day: I mistook Nick Carter's (from BSB) voice as one of the peeps from Avenue Q HAHAHA. They sound alike, I swear. Go listen to the beginning of "All I have to Give". Great song, definitely one of my favs, but you have to get past the first few painful lessons until Brian starts singing. And AJ just makes this song a beauuuutiful one (:

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