Monday, May 4, 2009

I've decided not to change a blog. Firstly, because I don't know how to move my contents over, and secondly, because I've realised that keying in the username and password gives blogging a sense of realism. Believe me, it actually prevents the occurrence of blank entries, which was normally what happens when I still could log in automatically.

Sigh, exams end tomorrow. My friends will probably kill me when they see this, but I actually do feel kind of sad that it's all going to be over tomorrow. And no pongyi, I do not wish to take your islam paper for you. The holidays seem like such a void. Not that I'm free 7 days a week, but... I do prefer to go to school then go to work. And without the friends, the crowds, heck even walking through the AS corridors... Life can be so lonely. 

I like school, just not the studying part. And especially my 2113 module which is my final paper tomorrow. I'm dead worried, but I'm so freakin sick of studying that I cannot be bothered with it anymore. Even though I know I'm going to do terribly cos I spent the 4 days slacking away. I just went to an ex teacher's blog and saw something that he wrote. Something about how adult life is so monotonous, it only consist of work, pay bills, and pray for the best. Isn't that what we are going through now, with slight alterations? Study, fret about money, pray for the best. Studying and working are both rock bottom of the undesirable list so there. At least they have a bloody income. Pockets that absorb a few bills every month. Not like us students who are perpetually broke.

Pray for the best, pray for my lit paper :( I hope Valerie Wee won't suddenly pop out some post modernism question on love labour's lost. It's the most hopeless movie I've ever seen and till now, I can't even remember the plot. I only remember the flimsy collage of songs from many musicals and the girls looking like bloody disney princesses. And their beaus, the four idiots who include kenneth branagh, the DIRECTOR whom I was so close to worshipping for his work in Dead Again, and two unknowns who weren't even cute, and who can ever forget the face of matthew lillard who just acted as one of the crazy guys from Scream, that we watched a few weeks before? Watching a psycho who shot himself for fun do a fox trot with a disney princess is just plain disturbing. 
Okay lah, that's why it's damn funny. Cos it's so uber lame and it was refreshing to hear laughter reverberating in lt12 instead of the usual screams from the screamygirlswhositontheleft (and i sit on the right mind you) cos of some mass murderer or crazy crossdressing motel dude or well... Because they simply love to scream and so will do it even at some tiny shadow. Awww sho shtimid.  

Heh heh, 18 more hours! 

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